Are your gifts front and center?

Dec 18 - Are your gifts front and center? Do you wake up excited for the day ahead, knowing you are putting your best self forward? Do you feel blessed to be doing exactly what you were meant to be doing in your work or business on a daily basis? Are your unique talents and strengths being put to their best possible use? If you couldn’t answer yes to these questions, then perhaps reflection and redirection are something to consider for your year ahead.

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Has it been a banner or a bust year?

Dec 11 - Has it been a banner or a bust year? As you reflect on 2024, are you pleased with how it has played out or disappointed? Have you gained insights from challenges that helped you leap ahead, or did you allow these challenges to set you back? Did you achieve some of your goals, yet you are so focused on what was not accomplished that you cannot appreciate what you did succeed at doing? Additionally, did you accomplish some things that were not even a part of your goals or plan, and yet you have benefited greatly from these accomplishments?

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Could tomorrow be today?

Dec 04 - Could tomorrow be today? Are you putting off things you would really like to be doing for later? Are you pushing a responsibility continuously into the future because it isn't something you enjoy or look forward to, even though you know it must be dealt with at some point?  Do you catch yourself saying, "I'll get around to it tomorrow." or "Maybe tomorrow, I can make this a priority."  ... and then tomorrow continues to be "tomorrow"? 

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Is your gratitude a differentiator?

Nov 27 - Is your gratitude a differentiator? Do you embrace the power of a simple thank you, or job well done? Do you extend appreciation on a regular basis to family, friends, co-workers, team members, contractors, vendors, and the marketplace? Do you take the time to write notes of appreciation, and let people know what they mean to you? Do you take time to acknowledge and recognize what is going well and running smoothly, or are you only focused on vocalizing what is wrong or not working? 

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Are others impeding your progress?

Nov 20 - Are others impeding your progress? Are you working toward a goal that requires the support and assistance of others to enable its achievement? Are you feeling frustrated by a lack of progress or competency from others, which you believe is impacting your ability to move forward effectively? Is a lack of accountability frustrating you in working with others? Is a lack of communication causing assumptions or lack of clarity of status? Do you feel stuck because of your reliance on others who are not working with the same sense of urgency or priorities in mind? 

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Are you leveraging your strengths daily?

Nov 13 - Are you leveraging your strengths daily? Are you empowering success by focusing on what you do best? Are you demonstrating your value through what you can do exceptionally well? Are you allowing others to shine with their strengths? Or are you taking on the world including doing things you don’t enjoy doing or are not adept at doing? 

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Is determination blinding you?

Nov 06 - Is determination blinding you? Is there something that you are trying to achieve that is all consuming? Do you feel that you must stay entirely focused on this particular effort, otherwise you will not realize success in the endeavor? Are other areas of your life or work beginning to suffer because of this intense focus? 

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Are you setting goals or limits?

Oct 30 - Are you setting goals or limits? As this final quarter of the year is underway, how are you viewing your goals for the year ahead? Are you reaching even higher, or deciding to settle for less? Are you questioning what you are capable of achieving, or are you challenging yourself to even greater heights of accomplishment?

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Is what was working not working?

Oct 23 - Is what was working not working? Have you realized success through a certain way that you have approached an endeavor that is no longer reaping the results it once did? Do you find yourself perplexed by stagnant progress when you have been putting forth a great deal of effort based on past successes or achievements?  Are you frustrated by the fact that what once worked seems to no longer be working, and you now are uncertain what your next steps should be?

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