Mar 26 – Are you nearing your tipping point? Are you about to give up on something you’ve been working hard towards because it doesn’t seem like there’s been any traction or movement? Do you feel that a lot of effort has been put in, with little gratification? Have you intentionally slowed your momentum, beginning to believe that it may not be worth the effort? Reaching the finish line towards an important goal can oftentimes feel like the distance is getting further away instead of closer.
Mar 19 – Are you overthinking? Are you faced with a problem you are trying to solve? Are you hesitating to proceed because you are caught up in all the options to consider? Are you in analysis paralysis because you are uncertain? Do you feel that with a little more information you can decide, yet you keep seeking more information, advice, or alternatives?
Mar 12 – Has your initial gusto fizzled? Has some of your excitement about an initiative or goal waned? Are you feeling less enthusiastic about the direction you are headed? Are you frustrated by some circumstances that have delayed or halted your progress? If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you also need to ask yourself if your confidence or doubt has had a role in diminishing some of the vigor that was so strong initially.
Mar 05 – Are you empowering yourself? Do you feel as though you are in an uphill climb with every step forward only resulting in two steps back in trying to achieve your goals? Is your focus more on the steps backward than the step forward? Are you taking time to remind yourself how far you have come or only focused on how far you still have to go? Have some things not gone as planned, and as a result, your feel like you have lost some momentum?
Feb 26 – Are you purposely productive? Or do you find yourself doing whatever is demanded upon you without considering its relevance or importance in what you are trying to achieve? Do you start each day considering your goals and what action you are taking towards reaching them? Are you intentional in protecting your time and energy so you can focus on what is most important to you? Do you have a clear outcome in mind that helps make reaching your goals more inspiring and relevant?
Feb 19 – Are you accommodating too much? Are you feeling as though you are the only one being flexible or considerate of others' needs or concerns? Are you frustrated by an overall lack of accountability or willingness by others to step up to responsibility? Are you feeling pressure to settle for less than what you believe are reasonable expectations? Are you being too accommodating, allowing others to get away with being or doing “less than”?
Feb 12 – Are you craving fulfillment? Are you feeling lackluster about your current life or the work you are doing? Even with resolutions you have made, are you feeling as though something is still missing and you cannot pinpoint what? Are you wanting to do something entirely different, yet have no idea what it could be? Are you feeling tied down or stuck where you currently are in your life?
Feb 05 – Are you at a crossroads? Are you weighing various options with a feeling that the decision you make is a pivotal one, which is causing more angst out of fear that you will make the wrong choice? Are some of your options taking you out of your comfort zone, which have you doubting your ability or competency to see them through?
Jan 29 – Too focused on what's wrong? Are current affairs clouding your optimism for the year ahead? Are a lot of little things happening now that were not as you expected, planned, or hoped? Are unexpected things occurring that are causing you distraction and dissatisfaction? Are you finding yourself more focused on what is going wrong than what is going right?