Posts tagged with "worth"

31. July 2017
July 31, 2017 - Do you just need to get started? Are there things you hope to achieve that you have not moved forward with in any way? Do you feel certain things you desire must wait, or that the time is not quite right to get started? When you continually put things you really want on the back burner, you are telling your subconscious mind they are not that important to you. Without realizing it, you may be sabotaging the likelihood that you will ever get around to these desires, if you...
08. December 2014
Dec 8, 2014 - Are you questioning your worth? Have recent events or a financial setback caused you to doubt your contributions or abilities? Are you beginning to wonder if you are ever going to reap the rewards that you envision for you hard work, dedication and passion in what you are doing? Putting a price tag on your success or yourself can be a double-edged sword that limits you more than it inspires and empowers you. Too often our emphasis on monetary measurement clouds our ability to be...
02. April 2012
April 2, 2012 - How are you investing in your well being? How are you appreciating who you are, have become, and what you can be? How are you taking time to assure your physical, spiritual and emotional health and vitality on a daily basis and into the coming years? You are a fountain of potential, value and worth with a purpose that is only just beginning to bubble to the surface in the difference it can make. Your body is your well that when kept full and flowing with clear and focused...
15. February 2010
Feb 15, 2010 – Do you know your worth? How have you demonstrated how much you care about, and appreciate who you are? We are often so busy making sure everyone else in our lives knows how much we care, appreciate and love them that we forget to care for and appreciate ourselves. Is this you right now? Take an MM&I Moment to list seven things, one each day, you are going to do just for you this week. Make it a daily habit to do something just for you. You will thank yourself, and most...
25. January 2010
Jan 25, 2010 – Was it worth it? Have you achieved a great deal, but now look back and wonder what it was all for? Are you questioning this because of some of the sacrifices that you have made? Instead of feeling guilty about what did not happen, or you did not do as a result, be inspired to embrace those regrets and transform them into the here and now. What you have learned along the way is a powerful place to start. Take an MM&I Moment to list those sacrifices or possible regrets. Then...