Posts tagged with "stuck"

09. May 2016
May 9, 2016 - Caught in the same old, same old? Have you settled into your way of doing things, and while it is comfortable to you, the results are not as you had ultimately hoped? Do you feel as though there is nothing that is really stimulating, motivating or spurring you forward beyond where you are currently? Are you feeling stuck where you are currently, and not certain how to get out of what seems to be a pattern of sameness or repetitive disappointments? Boredom and a feeling of being...
26. November 2012
Nov 26, 2012 – Tired of same old, same old? Are you feeling uninspired by the same old work and life happening day after day? Are you feeling unenergized by what you currently must get done or keep progressing? Instead of focusing on what it “isn’t” to you, focus on what you would like it to be. Instead of focusing on what makes it uneventful, uninteresting, and ungratifying, focus on what is missing and then do something about it to bring the missing element into your reality. Take an...
05. November 2012
Nov 5, 2012 – Feeling limited and stuck? Are you feeling limited in some way that is affecting your ability to move forward? Are you stuck with regard to the next step in a process or initiative because you believe you need something that you don’t currently have? Or are you stuck because you must rely on someone else to move the next phase forward? Whatever is frustrating you right now, the best way to overcome the frustration is to do what you can. Too often, obsessing over what is not...
03. October 2011
October 3, 2011 – Feeling a bit stuck? Are you dealing with a particular situation that makes you feel stuck in your current circumstance? Do you feel unable to move forward as a result? Instead of accepting what is, why not find out more about what could be? Give yourself permission to take charge and explore any and all ways to move beyond what is occurring right now. You always have options and choices in any given situation. Take an MM&I Moment and write down questions that still need...