Posts tagged with "seeking"
14. August 2017
Aug 14, 2017 - Do you know more than you think? Are you struggling with a decision or vacillating over the best direction to go on a particular initiative? Are you seeking advice from various avenues or uncertain where to go for insight or direction? Are you feeling even more confused or uncertain as a result of the diverse advice or insights you are receiving? If you haven't reached out for advice, is it because you fear it will just add more to think about, and your mind just cannot handle...
07. August 2017
Aug 7, 2017 - Is your best not enough? Are you seeking to achieve a certain accolade, recognition or acknowledgment, and believe you are giving it your all, and yet still seem to be falling short? Are you beginning to doubt you will ever realize that ultimate reward? Perhaps you need to reassess why you are doing what you are doing in the first place. If it is to make someone happy, prove you are worthy or to somehow validate you are successful, then are you really focused on the right things?...
13. July 2015
July 13, 2015 - Are you reaching for the stars? Are your goals hard driving and high seeking? Are they based on what others have accomplished or what you would like to see yourself accomplish? Do you feel the need to outperform others as a means of proving your own ability to perform? Is your competitive nature more the basis of your goal setting and desires than anything else? Being a high achiever is of merit only if it is fulfilling you and those who mean the most to you. If achievement is...