Posts tagged with "reflect"
09. April 2018
April 9, 2018 - Are you giving yourself permission? Are you driving hard and so focused on all that you need to get done, that you are not allowing yourself a moment to appreciate all that you have done? Are you so focused on what hasn't gotten accomplished that you are not giving yourself enough credit for what has been accomplished? Are you feeling as if you simply will never get ahead, while never catching your breath to see how far ahead you actually are? Are you holding deep inside some...
01. January 2018
Jan 1, 2018 - Are you embracing your possibilities? Are you opening your mind to all the possibilities that exist for achieving what you ultimately desire? Are you reflecting back on the past year with gratitude and enlightenment? Are you appreciating how far you have come and those who have been there and the things you have done? Are you leaving behind what no longer serves you or enriches you? Are you giving yourself credit for the challenges you faced and overcame? This New Year's day,...
26. June 2017
June 26, 2017 - Are you giving yourself enough credit? Are you your own worst critic, only focused on what is not getting done and what you aren't doing, or able to do? Have you stopped and considered what you have accomplished and overcome? Do you recognize how far you have come to get where you are right now? It is oftentimes too easy to focus on what isn't versus what is when you have high expectations and hold yourself to a higher standard. At the same time, it is important to give yourself...
21. December 2015
Dec 21, 2015 - Are you wishing for nothing? Do you have certain hopes and dreams that you wish to come true, and yet they seem so far fetched that you believe they are implausible or impossible to achieve at this time? Are you so caught up in what you must get done or focus upon right now that your true wishes and desires simply must wait for another day, when you can really put your heart and soul into them? If nothing is happening to make your dreams and desires more of a reality, then...
04. May 2015
May 4, 2015 - Are you avoiding the obvious? Is there an answer right in front of you that you are not seeing? Are you delaying an inevitable action that needs to be taken? When we are caught up in life's drama or work's chaos, it can be easy to not see what needs to be done due to being distracted by the minutia or to subconsciously avoid taking action as a defense mechanism. One of the best things you can do for yourself when you are in the midst of what feels like immense pressure and...
06. April 2015
April 6, 2015 - Is your ignorance stopping you? What don't you know that could be hindering you? What assumptions are you making that could be costing you time, money, or the potential of a poor decision? As we strive to achieve, we also must continuously strive to learn. One of the best things you can ask others as you pursue any endeavor is what they wished they would have known that they didn't know until after they had succeeded. One of the best questions you can ask yourself is, "What do I...
23. June 2014
June 23, 2014 - Are your values driving your action? Are you hesitating to take action in a particular instance and are uncertain why you feel so hesitant? Chances are it is because one of your values is in conflict? Have you taken action that you regret or now believe was the wrong action to take? Most likely, it is because you did not honor one of your values. Do you have choices to make and are finding it difficult to know which is the best choice for you? Your values and knowing what is...
16. December 2013
Dec 16, 2013 - Is work all consuming? Are you under pressure in your work to perform and accomplish a great deal of activities in a specific amount of time? Are you experiencing demands from others at work, which are creating an "all work, no play" reality in your life? In this "want it now" society that we live in, it is easy to allow demands and expectations to control how we function to the point that we feel that we are no longer in control of our time or activities. The key is first to...
01. October 2012
Oct 1, 2012 – Is happiness your goal? Does it come with a price or do you covet it as priceless? Those who consider their happiness priceless allow and embrace happiness as a part of their core being as opposed to it being a condition or goal to be achieved. Are you caught in a “I’ll be happier or happy when …” mentality? If you believe something is necessary to make you happy, then you have placed a costly price on your ability to truly embrace happiness for all that it is and could...
25. June 2012
June 25, 2012 – Are you delighted or dismayed? What has happened over the past six months that has absolutely delighted you? What has happened over the past six months that somewhat dismayed you? What did you learn and discover about yourself as a result of both situations? The key to realizing a full and satisfying life is to take each experience, the great ones and the not-so-great ones, and allow them to help you appreciate when things are going well while learning when things don’t go...