Posts tagged with "heart"

16. October 2017
Oct 16, 2017 - Are you continuing to waver? Have you intended to make some changes or place more attention upon things you really want to be doing, and yet you always seem to be pulled in other directions? Are you seeking to find greater fulfillment and satisfaction, and yet you hesitate pursuing avenues that could help you find them or discover them? Your hesitancy or allowance of distractions is sending a subliminal message that your heart really isn't as committed to the change as you...
27. April 2015
April 27, 2015 - Are you hearing, but not listening? Does the noise of your busy life and work seem to simply blend together without any real resonance? Are you so caught up in your day-to-day activities that you feel you have no time to simply pause or stop and listen to what is occurring around you? Our greatest gift as thinking beings is the ability to decipher what is important and pertinent against what is filler and irrelevant. The key is to not get so controlled by the demands in your...
13. April 2015
April 13, 2015 - Is hesitation telling you something? Is there something you keep putting off? Is there something you believe that you really want to do, yet you keep hesitating to pull the trigger and get it done? What is causing the hesitation? What is holding you back? Understanding why is important in order for you to know how to overcome your hesitancy and move forward. Could it be you lack confidence? Is it that you believe you lack time to execute the next steps? Could it be you are...
08. February 2010
Feb 8, 2010 – What have you put off this year? What is it that you committed you would do at the beginning of this year that is already starting to waver or has yet to take off? Why do you believe this is happening? Have other “priorities” gotten in your way? Has something changed that has also changed the importance of this goal? Take an MM&I Moment to honestly look at why what was so important at the beginning of the year is now somehow less important only a few weeks later. If it...