Posts tagged with "going for it"

24. June 2020
June 24 - Are you waiting and seeing? Has all the disruption of the past few months caused you to pause or hesitate in what you were working toward? Do you feel as though your business as usual has been forever changed and you simply have no idea where to turn or what are your best options now? Are you beginning to question everything and feel as though you have no answers at this time? When life throws us a curve ball, while there seems no straight path, there is always clarity to be gained.
09. October 2019
Have you been working hard towards a goal and a lot of little things have occurred that have seemed to bear weight on your efforts? As a result, is it causing you doubt or second guess what you are trying to achieve? OR have you made real progress and now you are hesitating to take that next step due to uncertainty or feeling a bit intimidated by that next step? Have you reached the point you are getting out of your comfort zone? Whether it’s the small things or the next big thing that is...
10. July 2019
July 10, 2019 - Is now or what you want most winning? How well are you focusing on the things you want most in your life? How effective are you at saying “no” to what is not urgent or important in order to say “yes” to what is necessary and meaningful for you? Are you starting your day with your ultimate reward and desires in mind? Are you putting actions related to what you want most as priorities for each day? It is easy to get caught up in the demands of now to the point of...
25. June 2018
June 25, 2018 - Do you keep hesitating? Are you striving to do something you have not done before? Do you find yourself hesitating with each next move you need to take to make things happen? Are you doubting yourself? Are you doubting whether it is your next best move? Are you thinking it might be too bold or you could fail? Just because something is outside of your comfort zone doesn't mean it is something you should question doing. Take an MM&I Moment to explore your determination and...