Posts tagged with "fulfillment"

16. October 2017
Oct 16, 2017 - Are you continuing to waver? Have you intended to make some changes or place more attention upon things you really want to be doing, and yet you always seem to be pulled in other directions? Are you seeking to find greater fulfillment and satisfaction, and yet you hesitate pursuing avenues that could help you find them or discover them? Your hesitancy or allowance of distractions is sending a subliminal message that your heart really isn't as committed to the change as you...
03. February 2014
Feb 3, 2014 - Is working your refuge or curse? Are you a self-proclaimed workaholic, or a reluctant workaholic? Is your work and career a satisfying aspect of your life or merely a job? If you are a self-proclaimed workaholic, is it because you prefer to focus your time and energy on your work because you find greater satisfaction from it than you do from other aspects of your life? If so, consider why other aspects of your life are not fulfilling and what you could do to realize more...
05. August 2013
Aug 5, 2013 - Too focused on what's wrong? Are a lot of little things happening now that were not as you expected, planned or hoped? Are unexpected things occurring that are causing you distraction and dissatisfaction? Are you finding yourself more focused on what is going wrong than what is going right? It is very easy to allow life's disruptions to get the best of us personally and professionally, which inadvertently steers our thinking to focus entirely on them to be fixed, addressed or...
25. February 2013
Feb 25, 2013 - Do you feel like something's missing? Do you feel like something is missing or that you are missing out on your life in some way, but have no clue about why or what? Too often, in our world of to-do's and must-do's, we get lost in who we really are in order to meet the demands of day-to-day living and working. When you feel something is missing, it typically stems from the fact that you are not honoring who you are as a person. You need to stimulate "you" back to life again so...
13. June 2011
June 13, 2011 - No time to breathe on weekends? Are Saturday and Sunday used for replenishment and fulfillment OR are your weekends filled with endless to-do’s, honey-do’s, and must-do’s instead of want-to’s and can’t-wait-to-do’s? Is Saturday morning spent catching up on household duties, bills, and a long list of shoulds? Are you more focused on getting caught up than spending time catching up with loved ones or friends? Does the idea of having any weekend time to yourself seem...
30. May 2011
May 30, 2011 – Are you anticipating the best? By the end of each work day, do you feel excited and invigorated in anticipation of the next day or physically drained and emotionally spent – actually glad that the day is over? If you are feeling drained or emotionally raw from the day, then it is time to take a step back and figure out what you need to do to make it enjoyable and rewarding. Each day should feel like a precious gift full of unexpected and anticipated joy in what you are doing...