Posts tagged with "enjoy"

26. December 2016
Dec 26, 2016 - Are you looking forward? To the year ahead? To the opportunities you have yet to embrace? To the blessings that are continuing to unfold? To each moment you are given to make a difference and take action? Or are you looking back upon the past year with regret and disappointment at what didn't happen or occur as you would have liked? Anticipating the best means looking forward to the very best that can be for you. Don't allow your thoughts to get lost in what isn't or wasn't....
02. July 2012
July 2, 2012 – Are you embracing your independence? How are you claiming or reclaiming your independence in a way that serves you and others better? How are you nurturing and encouraging independence in others? We can be our own worst enemies in tying ourselves down doing things we really don’t want to be doing that someone else would be thrilled to be doing. This is especially important to be aware of if you are being counted on to do what you do best and are being pulled away from this to...
08. August 2011
Aug 8, 2011 - Are you surrounded by inspiration? Have you taken stock lately in the mementos you have at work and in your home and what they mean to you? Or do they just blur into the background because of the busy life you lead? Do you have pictures of family and friends? Are there inspirational sayings and plaques? Are there specific books? Are there trinkets, works of art, artifacts or collectibles from trips you have taken or places you have been? These have all accumulated because they...
13. June 2011
June 13, 2011 - No time to breathe on weekends? Are Saturday and Sunday used for replenishment and fulfillment OR are your weekends filled with endless to-do’s, honey-do’s, and must-do’s instead of want-to’s and can’t-wait-to-do’s? Is Saturday morning spent catching up on household duties, bills, and a long list of shoulds? Are you more focused on getting caught up than spending time catching up with loved ones or friends? Does the idea of having any weekend time to yourself seem...
18. January 2010
Jan 18, 2010 - Are you feeling inspired enough? Have you given thought to why you are compelled to do some of the things you do more naturally than others? Especially those things that get your juices flowing, make you feel alive and you enjoy doing. If most of what you are doing right now is draining you, then it is time to take a look at what inspires you to get yourself back on track. Take an MM&I Moment to write down what inspires you, is gratifying to you, you enjoy doing or you find...