Posts tagged with "effort"
17. December 2018
Dec 17 - Are you minimizing your efforts? Do you feel the pressure of "go big or go home"? Are you feeling as though none of what you are doing is significant enough? The key to achieving your desires is to know that whatever you are doing, no matter how small of a step, is moving you forward and closer. And it is sometimes those small steps that are critical for the big success to happen. Take an MM&I Moment to celebrate that you actually are making progress. Look back a week ago, a month...
03. December 2018
Dec 3, 2018 - Is your focus gaining desired impact? At the end of each day, do you feel you have made some progress and made an impact in some way? Or is your focus pulled in a myriad of directions, leaving you scattered and feeling as though nothing is really getting accomplished? Are you realizing the impact or results that you desire, or does it feel fleeting or always beyond your reach or ability to progress or move forward? If you find yourself frustrated by not being able to focus upon...
29. October 2018
Oct 29 – Are you ignoring what's necessary? Have some things in your life not panned out or resulted in what you had hoped would be realized? Is there something you need to be doing that you keep putting off, in hopes it will work itself out or simply go away? Ignoring that is happening or has happened results in placing yourself in a state of ignorance that will not serve you. What has occurred has been placed before you to teach you a lesson that you need to learn. Take an MM&I Moment...
14. May 2018
May 14, 2018 - Do you want it bad enough? Are you feeling as if what you are trying to accomplish is never going to happen? Do you feel as though you are not making progress, at least at the level you had hoped, so you are beginning to wonder if it is even worth putting any more effort into it? Have a few setbacks caused you to doubt or even believe you can actually achieve what you want to achieve? If you want it bad enough, then you must believe it can happen regardless of your circumstances...
19. March 2018
March 19, 2018 - Are your wheels spinning or turning? Do you feel as though you are continuously busy, yet not getting anywhere? Are you not making the progress you would like to be making for all the effort it feels you have put forth? Keeping busy may seem as though you are being productive, but if you don't have a clear vision, purpose and goals to drive you, this may be why you are not getting the results you had hoped you would get. Each action you take should be building momentum toward...
18. December 2017
Dec 18, 2017 - Is your short-term building your long-term? Is the effort you are putting into now building towards the future you desire? Are you intentionally focused on what matters the most towards reaching your goals? Are you nurturing what is most satisfying for you to accomplish with even the smallest steps? Or are you constantly allowing yourself to be pulled in directions that are distracting or slowing you down from where you ultimately desire to be? What you are doing now and in the...
20. November 2017
Nov 20, 2017 - Are you too focused on what is not? Are you putting great effort into what you are trying to achieve, and yet there is so much that is not happening as you had hoped or at the rate of reward you expected? Do you find yourself thinking more about what is not happening instead of what is happening to move you forward? Getting too caught up in what is not as you would like it to be can undermine your ability to leverage and create momentum with what is actually occurring to your...
09. October 2017
Oct 9, 2017 - Are you saying or doing? Are you talking about things you are going to do, but haven't actually done anything to move them forward? Do you tell others your intentions, and yet these intentions have remained possibilities with no effort towards doing what you said you were going to do? OR are you on the other side of the spectrum where you are relying on someone who is saying, yet not doing? Your actions speak volumes in what your priorities are, including inaction when someone...
25. September 2017
Sept 25, 2017 - Is it time to step it up? Are your efforts to take an initiative to another level falling short of your expectations? Are you staying focused, yet it doesn't seem as though any progress is being made, or you are not reaping the results you had expected by this time? More is happening behind the scenes and under the surface than you may realize. In the meantime, you need to ask yourself if you have truly stepped it up in all that can be done to move a particular desire forward....
31. July 2017
July 31, 2017 - Do you just need to get started? Are there things you hope to achieve that you have not moved forward with in any way? Do you feel certain things you desire must wait, or that the time is not quite right to get started? When you continually put things you really want on the back burner, you are telling your subconscious mind they are not that important to you. Without realizing it, you may be sabotaging the likelihood that you will ever get around to these desires, if you...