Posts tagged with "connections"

14. August 2019
August 14 – Are you leveraging your past? Are you so focused on now and the future that you have forgotten what may have been the secret sauce that got you where you are right now? Are you so focused on what’s next that you are not looking back to see how you could potentially engage what you have done previously to super-charge what you want to do? Are you overlooking someone from your past who could be just the resource, connection or leverage you need to catapult your dreams into motion?...
29. January 2018
Jan 29, 2018 - Is it time to leap? Have you been working diligently toward a goal, taking small steps and realizing progress, and yet still feel as though it is so far from being reached? Has an opportunity arisen that requires courage to embrace, and you are hesitating taking the next step, because it is out of your comfort zone? With any worthwhile endeavor, there comes a time when bigger and bolder is necessary to get to the other side of its potential and promise. Take an MM&I Moment to...
04. July 2011
July 4, 2011 – Are you lucky or fortunate? Do you consider yourself lucky or fortunate? Do you see anything positive that occurs or falls into place for you as a lucky break or a reward for your efforts? Do you wake up each morning determined to make things happen or hopeful that things will happen as you desire? Are you giving yourself credit for how far you have come, or believing it was all happenchance? When you believe that luck is involved, you are also believing that you don't have the...
18. October 2010
Oct 18, 2010 – Are you helping others while helping yourself? Are you making a lot of good connections and feeling like things are progressing as you had hoped for certain goals you are trying to achieve? Are you also helping others make connections and reach their goals in some small or significant way? If you are only focused on the connections you can make, it could be why your connections are not taking you very far. Take an MM&I Moment to consider how you can help someone connect to...