Posts tagged with "choice"

11. January 2016
Jan 11, 2016 - Are you striving or thriving? Are you continually going after the next level, without celebrating how far you have already come? Are you so focused on goals, that you have lost sight of what they even really mean to you or those who are in your life? It is perfectly fine and can be exhilarating to strive for something. Too often the pressure associated with striving makes a person feel like whatever is accomplished is never quite good enough. When you have this mindset, you may...
19. March 2012
March 19, 2012 – Overwhelmed with choices? Do you have too many options to consider and are afraid you will make the wrong choice? Do you have many directions you could take but are paralyzed by the uncertainty of where they may lead? Instead of viewing these with an overwhelmed mindset, realize the true power you have in your possession because you have options and choices. Take an MM&I Moment to list each of your options or choices. Then list with each what makes them worth considering...
08. February 2010
Feb 8, 2010 – What have you put off this year? What is it that you committed you would do at the beginning of this year that is already starting to waver or has yet to take off? Why do you believe this is happening? Have other “priorities” gotten in your way? Has something changed that has also changed the importance of this goal? Take an MM&I Moment to honestly look at why what was so important at the beginning of the year is now somehow less important only a few weeks later. If it...
04. January 2010
Jan 4, 2010 – Can you make it happen? As you look at your goals for this year and beyond, is there one particular goal that seems totally out of reach, yet you desire it all the same? Are you afraid of what it might take to get you where you want to be? Do you worry that you don’t have what it takes? Does it feel like an impossibility at this time because of where you are right now? Don’t allow what has been or what currently is be your reason. It is only your current circumstance. You...
13. July 2009
July 13, 2009 – Are you held back by fear? Is fearful thinking keeping you from getting to where you want to go in life or in work? Do you have a fear of failure, success, losing control, being ordinary, taking risks, letting someone down, or making the wrong choice? When you allow fear to stop you in your tracks, your thinking is working against you versus for you. Those who conquer their fears understand that stepping out of their comfort zone is what it takes to know the sweet comforts of...