Posts tagged with "believing"
29. May 2017
May 29, 2017 - Are opinions limiting you? Are you so caught up in what others think or might think that you can't make your next critical move towards reaching your goals and what you ultimately desire? Beliefs and opinions can hold you back, whereas believing, especially in yourself and the possibilities, will always move you forward. Perception is your reality, not anyone else's. Whatever you perceive your reality to be, it can be. Take an MM&I Moment to perceive the best in yourself and...
20. March 2017
March 20 – Are you limiting yourself? Are you allowing your thinking to limit what you are doing or attempting to achieve? Are you second-guessing yourself out of doubt or uncertainty of what may be possible? Are you imposing limits or holding yourself back from what you ultimately desire? Are you keeping people from knowing what you are doing or trying to do? Have you ever considered that these limits you are placing on yourself are merely based upon assumptions you are making? Stop limiting...
20. July 2015
July 20, 2015 - Are you psyching yourself out? Are you thinking of all of the things that could go wrong versus what could go right? Do you find yourself making excuses or rationalizing why now is not a good time to "go for it"? Are you questioning your next move or your ability to take the next necessary steps? As you are striving toward a goal and you begin stepping into the unknown, a wave of uncertainty can take over your thinking that can cause you to doubt where you are headed or hesitate...
19. January 2015
Jan 19, 2015 - Are you losing your nerve? Have you committed to achieve something and yet, as you have begun to pursue it, you are now beginning to lose your nerve? Are you starting to doubt or question your ability to achieve it, causing your hesitation? Has one obstacle or unexpected twist occurred after another, making you think it is a sign you should reconsider? Whenever you are striving towards something bigger than you have ever attempted before, it can be intimidating, but it doesn't...
01. April 2013
April 1, 2013 - Are you fooling yourself? Are you fooling yourself into believing that you must have all the answers or know all the options before proceeding with a particular initiative or project you have underway? When you get caught up in a need to have all the answers or options first, you can easily get stuck in a quagmire of never having all that you need to proceed. To truly make progress, your best opportunities come from taking action on what you know right now and therefore, what...