Posts tagged with "acceptance"
28. August 2017
Aug 28, 2017 - Are you hoping without accepting? Are you striving for a particular outcome, yet not accepting the role you must play in achieving it? Are you hopeful to realize a certain desire, yet not accepting insights and perspectives from others who are trying to help you? Are you closing yourself off to all other possibilities, because you have your heart set on a specific end result, and cannot accept anything else as an option? An open mind is a more resilient one. Being hopeful is a...
05. September 2016
Sept 5, 2016 - Getting lost in the shuffle? Are you caught in a whirlwind of responsibilities and demands that have you spinning out of control away from what you really want to be doing? Are you so focused on everyone else's needs around you that you are forgetting or simply ignoring your own needs and desires? When everything and everyone else seems to have control of you, it can not only be disheartening, but instill a feeling of loss as if you don't have any other choice. The reality is...
31. August 2015
Aug 31, 2015 - Is what you don't know the problem? Or is it the solution? Have you put great effort and time into learning and knowing all there is to know about what you are doing, only to find yourself stuck compared to where you would like to be? Have you used your know-how quite effectively so far, only to now find it is not enough? What we have known or currently know is always going to be infiltrated from all sides by new information, ways of being and doing. How we embrace what is around...
24. August 2015
Aug 24, 2015 - Are you truly committed? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish what you desire to accomplish? What is the level of your commitment? Have you written it down for clarity and focus? Have you shared with others for accountability and opportunities? Have you confirmed what you feel and are thinking with the people most important to you for clarity and acceptance? If your commitment is only in your head, with no actions to back it up, then it is not a commitment at...
08. December 2014
Dec 8, 2014 - Are you questioning your worth? Have recent events or a financial setback caused you to doubt your contributions or abilities? Are you beginning to wonder if you are ever going to reap the rewards that you envision for you hard work, dedication and passion in what you are doing? Putting a price tag on your success or yourself can be a double-edged sword that limits you more than it inspires and empowers you. Too often our emphasis on monetary measurement clouds our ability to be...