Posts tagged with "abilities"

03. September 2018
Sept 3, 2018 - Are you embracing your uniqueness? Are you realizing the unique combination of characteristics, learning, experiences, and insights you have gained that make you who you are today? Are you allowing what you are most passionate about guide your decisions? Are you leveraging what you are best at doing for your greatest opportunities and potential to achieve? You have within you a combination of abilities and understanding that no one else has that has manifested inside of you for a...
22. January 2018
Jan 22, 2018 - Are you fueling your confidence? How are you energizing your efforts in what you are trying to accomplish by what you have already accomplished? How are you recognizing your contributions and abilities to better engage them in replicating success? How are you reinforcing your efforts with knowledge of your effectiveness and others' achievements to empower your belief that you can reach your next pinnacle? How are you allowing what impassions you to drive what you do? Our passions...
13. November 2017
Nov 13, 2017 - Are you leveraging your worth? Are you building upon your successes for momentum-building future success? Do you focus a majority of your efforts with an emphasis on your strongest abilities and competencies? Are you delegating effectively in order to be able to allow your strengths and unique talents to be at the forefront of your actions? If you answered "No" to any of these questions, then you are not leveraging your true worth to your greatest advantage. Take an MM&I...
07. November 2016
Nov 7, 2016 - Are you challenging yourself enough? What are you going to do this week that you have never done before? How are you going to challenge yourself? What are you going to learn? If your nose is always to the grindstone doing what you already know, then you could be missing out on a whole new exciting way to expand your abilities, knowledge, horizons or more. Take an MM&I Moment to decide one way you could challenge yourself this week, or one thing you would like to learn or...
14. March 2016
Mar 14, 2016 - Feeling under-utilized? Do you feel as though you are not being fully utilized for all that you can contribute to your work or a specific project? Are you frustrated by a lack of consideration for the skills or insights you can bring to a particular situation? Is your enthusiasm diminishing because you do not feel that what you bring in capability or competency is being recognized? If you feel you could be doing more, yet believe you are being limited or unappreciated, first...
09. November 2015
Nov 9, 2015 - Do you believe it? Have you set some stretch goals that while you want to believe you can achieve them, you don't fully believe? Do you find yourself questioning whether you really have what it takes to get where you ultimately want to go? Believing is a mindset more than it is anything else. If you didn't believe in your own abilities, you wouldn't have gotten to where you are right now. If you didn't believe your goals were possible, you would not have thought of them in the...
08. December 2014
Dec 8, 2014 - Are you questioning your worth? Have recent events or a financial setback caused you to doubt your contributions or abilities? Are you beginning to wonder if you are ever going to reap the rewards that you envision for you hard work, dedication and passion in what you are doing? Putting a price tag on your success or yourself can be a double-edged sword that limits you more than it inspires and empowers you. Too often our emphasis on monetary measurement clouds our ability to be...
22. September 2014
Sept 22, 2014 - Are you chasing or embracing your dreams? Are your dreams intentions or desires? Are you focused on how to achieve them or do they feel like they are imagined possibilities that are no closer than when you first conceived them? Whether you have big dreams or small ones, if you are trying to bring them into reality, making them tangible through your thoughts and action is essential. How you approach thinking about and taking steps towards your dreams will transform them from...
25. August 2014
Aug 25, 2014 - Are you effectively leveraging uniqueness? Do you know the gift that you are in this world? Do you recognize the gifts in others and how they can best utilize their unique abilities towards a meaningful and powerful purpose and support? What makes this world an invigorating place to live is in our immense diversity of skills, ways of thinking, and ways to approach every aspect of our lives and work. When you know your own uniqueness, you gain the ability to embrace and build upon...
20. June 2011
June 20, 2011 – Has an opportunity not panned out? Has a recent opportunity not turned out exactly as you had hoped? Is the excitement gone and has disappointment set in because it didn’t manifest as you thought that it would? Are you questioning your judgment or abilities as a result? Are you now doubting your direction or priorities? When things don't occur the way you had envisioned, it doesn't mean your vision is off, it just means there is more to be learned or a better opportunity is...

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