Posts tagged with "June2016"
27. June 2016
June 27, 2016 - Feeling locked in? Are you feeling stuck in a particular situation, as though there is no way out of it or options to overcome it? Have you pursued a particular direction that is now not as you had expected, and yet you feel locked into proceeding, making you feel even more frustrated, and slightly defeated? You are only stuck or halted by what you believe is blocking you from getting where you ultimately want to go. Change what you believe and you will open up a world of...
20. June 2016
June 20, 2016 - About to give up? Do you believe you have tried everything and no matter what you try, it never seems to work out? Are you waiting endlessly, and nothing is transpiring as you had hoped? If you feel that you have tried everything, are you so focused on what didn't work that you are not learning the insights you need to gravitate towards what will ultimately work? If you are waiting on something to happen, what can you do in the meantime to make other things happen? No matter the...
13. June 2016
June 13, 2016 -Are your options unclear? Are you uncertain which direction to proceed due to not knowing which is the best option to focus upon? Or are you feeling limited by not enough options, not liking the ones that you view as available to you? The way to gain clarity is to seek to understand or gain more information, and then to prioritize based on what is most important and meaningful for you. This also means understanding yourself, what motivates you, what impassions you, and what you...
06. June 2016
June 6, 2016 - Are the odds against you? Have you convinced yourself that you are operating from a disadvantage due to past experiences or because of what you perceive others to have that you do not? Are you doubting your own ability to overcome challenges because they seem insurmountable, or like a constant flow of obstacles that keep getting in your way? If you truly desire to realize success in a particular venture or initiative, the first obstacle you must overcome is your own thinking that...