Posts tagged with "December2016"

26. December 2016
Dec 26, 2016 - Are you looking forward? To the year ahead? To the opportunities you have yet to embrace? To the blessings that are continuing to unfold? To each moment you are given to make a difference and take action? Or are you looking back upon the past year with regret and disappointment at what didn't happen or occur as you would have liked? Anticipating the best means looking forward to the very best that can be for you. Don't allow your thoughts to get lost in what isn't or wasn't....
19. December 2016
Dec 19, 2016 - Are you running on empty? Do you feel like you need an energy boost? Do you feel that you are spreading yourself thin in all that is on your plate and it is wearing on you and your ability to be motivated and focused? If you are running on empty, then what is it that is draining you mentally, physically, emotionally? And what do you need to fill yourself back up? Is it support? Is it time? What will more energy allow you to do or accomplish? You already have what it takes to...
12. December 2016
Dec 12, 2016 - Are your actions inspired enough? Are you intentional about the actions you are taking to lead you down the pathway of your choosing? Or are your actions driven by demands, expectations, and reactions to what others are doing or need you to be doing? Do you feel passionate about the steps you are taking or merely obligated? Do you have a sense of accomplishment when you complete certain actions or a sense of relief that they are behind you? If you are not excited by the actions...
05. December 2016
Dec 5, 2016 - Are you looking confidently forward? Are your thoughts for the year ahead filled with uncertainty and doubt, or excitement and anticipation? Are you seeing the progress you made this year as empowering or disappointing? No matter what has happened or did not happen, embrace what helped you move forward, even in the slightest of ways. Whether it is in knowledge, ability, understanding, insight, or strengthening of character, you have gained much if only you allow yourself to see...