Are you anticipating the best?

Oct 16 - Are you anticipating the best? Are you looking forward to what lies ahead as you strive toward your goals or are you continuously focusing on what could go wrong? Do you find yourself lamenting what might happen that is not desired? Do you imagine the best possibilities, or do you allow worry or concerns steer your thinking in a different direction? When an unexpected challenge arises, do you allow it to derail your confidence, or do you see it as an opportunity to learn and to be overcome with the expectation of an even better result? 

Your ability to expect goods things and believe that the best results will prevail in the end will empower you to make your desired outcome a reality. It will also reduce self-imposed stress and free up mind space for more productive work focused on what will continue to move you forward. Instead of allowing unexpected challenges to distract you or opportunities to overwhelm you, take a breather from worrying and focus on what you have within your power to do on all other fronts. When your confidence wains, your worry expands.


Take an MM&I Moment to awaken to your current way of thinking and redirect it towards anticipating the best amidst what feels like chaos. If the current challenge or situation causing you to worry is not urgent, don’t make it more urgent than it needs to be. It may serve you better to allow some time and space to see if it will work itself out in the long run. Then focus on actions that you can move forward with confidence in the meantime, so momentum on these fronts are not lost. If the challenge does require your attention, how can you reframe it in your mind for better possible solutions or ways to handle? Take a moment to envision the best possible outcome related to the challenge and each worry that is coming to mind. Make a note of what would be the ideal opposite of every worry or concern you have noodling around in your head. What positive ideas spawn forth because of this? What positive actions can you take to realize a better outcome? When worry consumes you, it impedes your progress on all fronts. Instead, allow your imagination to embrace best possible outcomes to ignite confidence and inspire your actions. Always embrace even better.


Wide Awake Quote of the Week

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” – Helen Keller


Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,