Are you chasing or embracing?

Sept 25 - Are you chasing or embracing? Are your dreams desires or intentions? Are you focused on how to achieve them, or do they feel like they are imagined possibilities that are no closer than when you first conceived them? Are you making your dream a priority so much that you take small steps each day in some way, shape or form?


Whether you have big dreams or small ones, if you are trying to bring them into reality, making them tangible through your thoughts and action is essential. How you approach thinking about and taking steps towards your dreams will transform them from merely being a desire to being truly within your reach. 


Take an MM&I Moment to awaken to how you are approaching achieving your dreams. Are you being strategic with specific steps being taken on a regular basis or are you waiting for something special to happen? Are you chasing a myriad of directions to see if something will stick, or are you narrowing down and plotting your actions according to what can help you achieve small successes towards your goal? Making your dreams a reality is a matter of embracing the true abilities you have within yourself to make them a reality. Take action. Be intentional. Be unstoppable. 


Wide Awake Quote of the Week

Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,


P.S. Last year, while attending the CEO Convergence, I was pushed out of my comfort zone, unexpectedly, while traversing a ropes course. It inspired this BizGrowth 5.0 blog entitled, “Limiting Beliefs: What is Your Suspension Bridge?” Perhaps this will be some added fuel for you to embrace your dreams!