Are you being supported or set back?

July 17 – Are you being supported or set back? Are you surrounded by people who lift you up or put you down? Do you feel you have the right people in place to delegate to, or do you hold back initiatives because you don’t have the confidence they’ll do it right? Have past failures caused others or even yourself to doubt what you are trying to accomplish now? Are others willingly taking action on your behalf or are they merely naysayers finding everything that’s wrong?  

Surrounding yourself with the right people begins with filling your mind with the right thoughts. If you only allow the past and the present circumstances to be a source of disappointment, then you have not embraced the learning and empowerment that comes from knowing what you can do better and what can be better done. 


Take an MM&I Moment to awaken to the people and thoughts that are not serving you. First, what thoughts have you been thinking that are causing you to hold back or not take action? List each thought separately and then next to it write a more empowering thought or action that could be embraced or taken. Are some of the naysayers people from your past that you haven’t let go of and need to let go of? Is your present circle of people uplifting you or weighing you down? Do you have someone you’ve hired that you know needs to go, but you haven’t? While you can’t control other people’s actions or attitudes, you can control who you choose to be around and what thoughts you choose to embrace. Your choices are what are holding you back more than anything, especially in what you’re choosing not to do and know needs to be done. Allow your future to unfold through the choices you make now. Allow your present to be the launching pad for your future. 


Wide Awake Quote of the Week

Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future. – Denis Waitley


Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,