August 25 – Is your cup half full or half empty? Are you seeing things with optimism or always focused on what is wrong? Are you so overwhelmed by your daily demands that you cannot appreciate all that you have achieved or realized as a result of your hard work and dedication? Do you immediately think the worse is going to happen or are awaiting something to go wrong when things are going well? When you are in a mindset of your cup being half full, you are focusing on the emptiness, and therefore are feeling that emptiness within yourself.
How about a life where your cup flows over? This is the mindset where dreams are made reality because it is the mindset of unlimited possibilities. Every moment of every day there is opportunity for you to take action, create value, and make a difference. A challenge oftentimes presents the most profound opportunities because it forces you to think in a different way.
Take an MM&I Moment to reawaken yourself to all the blessings that are around you in your life. Write down any and all opportunities, no matter how small or absurd, that have presented themselves to you in the last few days. Take action towards investigating, understanding, or embracing one of these opportunities. Take a look at your recent challenges or setbacks from a perspective of insight, growth and learning. Then note the blessing that may be in disguise as a result of what feels negative happening. Open you mind, eyes and heart to the immense goodness that is all around you. Your blessings are ever flowing, limited only by what you choose to see and think.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
"A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm." - Charles Schwab
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,
P.S. Do you need to make your business more profitable? Then you should take advantage of my upcoming virtual trainings through the Small Business Center at Rowan Cabarrus Community College! These are funded through the Small Business Network, making it free to small business owners. To get the most out of the trainings, I recommend attending BOTH courses. MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR: November 2, "Profitability Quotient: Better Decisions. Better Results. Better Bottom Line." and November 11, "3 Market Analysis Priorities to Drive Profitability." Both courses will be from 6-8 p.m. Registration will be available soon.