Jan 13 – Tired of having to pivot? If you hear the word “pivot” one more time, will you scream? Are you getting tired of being forced to pivot outside of your comfort zone on a variety of fronts? And at the same time, do you feel stuck and isolated by what you feel you are not able to do or experience? Being caught in what feels like circumstances beyond your control is when you need to embrace the opportunities that exist amidst the chaos. Perhaps the greatest opportunity lies in shifting from the inside out in how you are experiencing and perceiving these limitations.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken your inner spirit to ways you can shift your mindset to embrace opportunities and blessings you may not be seeing amidst the limitation and chaos. What has not changed that you are grateful has not changed? How can you leverage or embrace this even more? What has changed for the better? How can you leverage this more? What have you come to realize that would not have been evident without these circumstances revealing it? How can you leverage this insight more? What has become even more important to you or meaningful for you? How can you leverage this more? Within the fabric of complexities and contingencies exists the simplicity of action. Choosing to move forward in whatever capacity that you can is the first action to be taken.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
“You don’t get results by focusing on the results. You get results by focusing on the actions that produce the results.” – Mike Hawkins
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,
P.S. Ready to overcome your limiting beliefs? Take my Wishful Fearful Thinking Assessment to see what may be sabotaging your ability to achieve. CLICK HERE to access the download link.
P.S.S. Consider dedicating some time on YOU at the Shiftology Retreat hosted by the Intuitive Leadership Institute later this month. I will be the Shift Maestro presenting "Momentum Building Decision Making to Shift and Scale Your Business" on Friday, January 29th. Click to learn more about this must-attend event! Register before January 16th of deep discount to attend.