March 11 – Are you embracing the lesson? Are you frustrated by what has not happened or is not occurring as you had hoped? Are you disappointed in an outcome that didn’t result as you expected? Are you questioning your intentions because of what has not transpired? If you are so focused on what has not happened, then you are not embracing what has happened in a way that you can learn and grow. Just because you didn’t realize the result you had hoped for does not mean it was for not. The real opportunity is in learning from and gaining from the situation.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken to the possibility that you still had some things to learn before realizing full success. Review the outcomes, not from a perspective of defeat, but from a perspective of triumph. What do you now know that you can apply to moving forward? What did you learn that will shift the way you approach it next. Your willingness to explore how you can improve is how you can ultimately realize the success you desire. Every day is an opportunity to be enlightened, to grow, and to know an even better way to move forward.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
“Where attention goes, intention flows.” – Jacquie Nagy
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,
P.S. A shout out to Jacquie Nagy, whose quote is featured above. She is a thought-leader focused on individuals taking a holistic direction in their lives through positive self-mastery, and is a colleague in the Evolutionary Business Council with me.