Are you feeling tested?


April 29, 2013 -  Are you feeling tested? Is everything you are attempting to accomplish being met with a challenge lately? Are you feeling that you are being tested in some way? Do you feel that you shouldn't have to prove anything at this stage of your life, your career or in your business?  When we experience one challenge at a time, it seems more palatable and, therefore, we deal with it and move on. But, when several challenges occur all at once, we too often get caught up in their accumulation as a whole versus viewing them as individual and manageable, or seeing what they might be trying to tell us once we are willing to explore them for insight rather than detest them for hindering us in some way. 


Take an MM&I Moment to list each challenge you have encountered that has ruffled or frustrated you. Next to each challenge list some options for helping you cope with and manage the situation, while disregarding the others for a moment. Now look at your challenges as a whole and identify if any of them have a connection in some kind of way.  Could this connection's result or impact be the indication of a pattern beginning to form that needs to be addressed or refocused? By gaining this insight and understanding, you will be in a better state of mind that can enable you to take actions to overcome each and every challenge constructively.   


Synergized Quote of the Week

"The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it." - John Ruskin


Yours in synergistic thinking,

