Do you need an energy boost?

Oct 5, 2009 - Do you need an energy boost? If you are running on empty, then what is it that is draining you mentally, physically, emotionally? And what do you need to fill yourself back up? Is it support? Is it time? What will more energy allow you to do or accomplish? You already have what it takes to boost your energy. It is all a matter of the choices you make.


Take an MM&I Moment and look at what is happening right now that seems to be draining you. What one change can you make, or action can you take to energize you and move you in the right direction? The little steps we take over time make the biggest strides toward positive change and a synergized world. Take that little action. Make that little change. Make giving yourself a positive energy boost a daily treat to yourself.


Synergized Quote of the Week

"Enjoyment is an incredible energizer to the human spirit." - John Maxwell


Yours in synergistic thinking,

